Taking it to the streets

It sounds kind of strange but I actually kind of always enjoyed the secrecy of getting weed. The sort of secret society that seemed to form when you realized you met someone else who enjoyed the herb. Kind of like the Mafia but instead of crime, were getting stoned. I also don't really like to talk about my usage of it that much, but I also don't really like talking about myself at all period. During the early days of my and my friends use we never really had a solid source. It was always friends of friends, sometimes people on the street, although in those instances there was always a chance someone might just take your cash and give you nothing. Which is kind of funny when you think about it? Wouldn't this person make far more in the long run by just selling you the product? People tend to not want to return to merchants who take their money and give them nothing in return.

Our first solid weed guy was this dude named Dan. We didn't have a phone number for Dan, or really any means of contacting him he would just be in town. Usually at this cafe that used to exist called the fire and water where the other hippies would sometimes congregate. The only way to reach Dan would be to find him downtown, and if he wasn't in town you were usually shit out of luck. Dan was only a few years older than us but he seemed older at the time, at least to me. He had dreadlocks and almost seemed like an old school wanderer, just walking the earth doing as he pleased. I don't know if his life was really like this and most likely it wasn't but at the time he seemed like someone who had a good gig. We'd find Dan at the fire and water and he usually would go to the bathroom to weigh out the bag. Sometimes it was quick. But sometimes he would go into Thornes to 'Get his coffee' and come back like an hour later. Or maybe it just felt that long. Sometimes he would be upstairs at an apartment of a friend he knew in town and we wouldn't be able to find him. One time we sent one of our other friends to try to buzz him in the apartment via intercom, and he wasn't pleased. Feel bad about that now.

With the recent steps toward legalization in my state people are more open about that then they have been in the past. I remember when we were teenagers buying a glass bowl was a really difficult endeavor, so many times we made due with homemade pipes, I usually used a can but I have heard an apple also works nicely as well. Now they are in every convenience store around here. I had a co-worker at the Deli I used to work at who would exclaim, 'Your'e so stoned!' when I would come in to work. Was I stoned? Of course I was but he didn't need to inform everyone that I worked with. I never actually got in trouble there for being stoned on the job. No one ever accused me of it but there was one incident that almost came close. It was Valentines Day and I was working 4-12. I had just gotten a girlfriend who was already quite upset that I had to work that late so I rolled a fat one to bring in, to get me through the night. The manager on duty that night was a guy named Matt, young guy probably a good thing it was him working. I went outside around 10 to go outside and smoke that joint. I had to get my coat because it was freezing outside. The break room in the grocery store I worked at was located on a basement level from the rest of the store so to get my coat I had to go downstairs. So after returning from outside and my session as I was walking back downstairs to the breakroom I passed Matt. He pulled me aside and asked me if I had been smoking marijuana. I managed to say no, because what else can you say. I don't remember what he said after that but it seemed like he was going to let it pass. I never heard anything about it, but I was more cautious after that. Still when I look back at some of the stuff I got away with at that place it's kind of amazing. I think it because I always showed up and was somewhat stable.
